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Colloidal SilverSol | Adored Beast Apothecary

Precio habitual $24.99

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Solo 4 restantes

  • Helpful for skin, eye, and ear infections
  • Use for cuts, scrapes, and burns
  • Natural disinfectant
  • Broad-spectrum antimicrobial
  • Potent anti-inflammatory
  • Doesn’t encourage antibiotic resistance
  • Has potential in disease prevention
  • Immune system enhancer
  • Works synergistically with prescribed antibiotics

*Their patented silver has a unique linear alignment due to MRET activation, and has demonstrated the ability to kill pathogens at a concentration of 5 ppm.

Because of the patented technology they use, the structure of the molecules is modified, allowing it to target the bad bacteria without harming the good bacteria.

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